
Teen Counseling

Modern day pressures are unfolding before our eyes and teenagers are struggling more than ever before, which means parents and caregivers are too. My passion and purpose for working with teens is centered on helping them discover or uncover their strengths, encourage self-refection, visualize how things could be different and empower them to make positive changes in their lives. It is remarkably empowering for teens to reflect on what matters to them as individuals.

Through insight-oriented psychotherapy, your teen will have a better understanding of who they are and will develop an improved self-esteem at an age where their identity and self-worth are constantly being challenged. My goal is to help teens and their families gain the skills needed to maintain healthy boundaries, improve stress tolerance, enhance decision-making skills, and develop a greater purpose in life. Gracefully Redefined Counseling and Wellness offers a safe space for teens to rediscover family balance and to develop the skills needed to grow into confident and healthy adults.

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Complimentary 15-minute phone call consultation to get to know one another and explore a mutual fit. I will happily answer any questions you have about our work together.